
Sun Bear | Amazing Fun Facts | Information

Sun Bear facts


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Helarctos malayanus

TYPE: Mammals

DIET: Omnivore


SIZE: 4 to 5 feet long

WEIGHT: 60 to 150 pounds

1. Sun Bear is the smallest bears species. Their height is around 70 centimetres and weighing 25–65 kilograms.

Sun Bear height and weight

2. Sun bears get their name from their orange to cream coloured chest patch.

Sun bear chest photo

3. Sun Bears sunbathes or sleeps in trees 2 to 7 metres (7 to 23 feet) above the ground.

4. They do not hibernate because food resources are available the whole year.

5. Sun bears are omnivores. Sun bears Eats ants, bees, beetles, honey, termites and plants such as seeds and fruits etc. They also at Birds and deer, Eggs etc.

6. The global population of Sun Bears have declined by 35% over the past 30 Years.

Sun bear Facts about population

7. There are 2 Sub-Species of Sun Bear. Malayan sun bear and Bornean sun bear.

8. They can extend its exceptionally long tongue by 20–25 cm (8–10 in) to extract insects and honey. Thats why hey are Also called "Honey Bear".

Sun Bear tongue

9. The sun bear is an excellent climber because of inward-turned front feet, powerful forelimbs with large claws.

Sun bear climbing trees.

10. They are really good swimmers.

11. Sun bears are shy animals, and usually do not attack humans unless provoked.

12. Sun Bear's Cubs are born deaf with eyes closed. They open their eyes after 20-25 days but they remain blind till 50 days after birth.

Sun bear cub

13. Cubs live with their mother for three years of their lives.

14. Sun Bear's lifespan is 20 to 31 years.

Sun bear cub photo

15. Their population can decline 60-80% in next 30 years.

These are the most common facts about Sun Bears.

I hope you guys Find it interesting about our smallest Bears.

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